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Our range of services enables you to turn your idea into a product.


Who are


A team of young entrepreneurs with a desire and vision to offer quality services in the field of 3D technologies. It all started with a hobby and an idea to bring 3D printing closer to the people by offering 3D printing services on demand. As we gained experience and knowledge, we started to gain interest in industrial 3D printing and started to produce finished products, functional prototypes and other tools for various companies.

Our vision, which has been with us since the beginning of our journey, is to become a leading company in the field of 3D technologies and to provide quality and support to our customers.


We are pleased to reveal that our business success is reflected in the high quality of our services, as the following figures clearly confirm

80 +
Satisfied customers
Counter 2 - izdelki
2000 +
Printed parts
Counter 3 - plastika
100 +
Kilograms of consumed material